Every woman Matters
Write a 3- to 5-page paper that includes the following
Summarize the Every Woman Matters program and how the issue of women’s preventive health care was approached. Analyze possible reasons the program was ineffective.
- Summarize the characteristics at least two prevention programs that advocate for early screening, describing what made them successful.
- If you were the nurse leader in charge of developing a follow-up to the Every Woman Matters program, what strategies would you propose for creating a more effective prevention program
- To prepare:
- Review the article “Improving Female Preventive Health Care Delivery Through Practice Change” found in this week’s Learning Resources. Consider why the Every Woman Matters program was not effective in meeting its goals.
- Using the Walden Library and other credible websites, identify at least two successful advocacy programs for early cancer screening and evaluate the characteristics that made them effective based on the evidence presented in the article or website.
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