Answer the following question a paragraph for each question.

In Early Childhood answer the question a paragraph for each question.

 Piaget championed the view that children participate actively in their own development. How do the Risorgimento child’s contributions differ from the formal-operational child’s contributions?
 Compare the role of cultural influences in Piaget’s theory, neon-Piaget theory, and Trotsky’s theory.

 Compare and contrast the major approaches to intelligence in terms of the extent to which they make connections between different aspects of development. That is, to what extent does each perspective emphasize cognitive processes versus integrating physical, cognitive, social, and emotional processes?

 What are the characteristics of gifted and creative children? What are the different forms of mental retardation? What are learning disabilities?
 How does the research in Module 10.1 support the view that children actively try to interpret and understand the world?
 Discuss cultural influences on language acquisition.
 What can parents and caregivers do to promote language development?

 What are the biological bases of temperament? How does the environment influence temperament? How do nature and nurture interact to influence temperament?
 How do an infant’s behaviors contribute to the formation of attachment? How do the caregiver’s behaviors contribute?
 How does self-esteem change as children develop?
 When do children develop prejudice toward others?

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