• You must provide an answer to one question from the list.
• Your answer should be a minimum of 750 and a maximum of 1000 words in length (no leeway).
• Answers should be word-processed. Be sure to double-space your work, insert page numbers and insert a word count. Also ensure that you give the name of your seminar tutor (not the module coordinator) on the front of your assignment.
• You must cite at least five academic sources in your exam. These can be from your seminar reading and background reading. You may also draw on your seminar and lecture notes. Exams which do not cite a minimum of five academic sources will be heavily penalised.
• Any references or quotations from readings or elsewhere should be cited in accordance with the Harvard/Author-Date system, as detailed in the School of Social Sciences Coursework Production Guide available on Blackboard via the Social Science Community. Exams which do not include any references will receive a mark of no more than 40.
• A bibliography covering works cited in your answer should be appended to your paper. It should be presented in line with the instructions in the School of Social Sciences Coursework Production Guide. Exams which do not include a bibliography of sources will receive a mark of no more than 40. Your 1,000 word countdoes not include the bibliography.
• Your attention is drawn to University policies on plagiarism and collusion. You should be aware that this assessment should be prepared individually and that there are potentially severe penalties should instances of plagiarism or collusion be detected.
Assessment Criteria – Take Home Exam
• A well-structured answer (a coherent introduction/argument, balanced academic discussion and clear summary in conclusion).
• Evidence of close, critical reading of assigned texts.
• Balanced discussion of the issues raised by the question.
• Evidence of analytical engagement with themes of relevance to the course.
• Grammar and Proofreading.
• Written English of an appropriate academic standard.
• Appropriate referencing and citation in line with Departmental standards.
• A complete and well-presented bibliography in line with Departmental standards. Nots /you can see the question in the topic and make sure you answer like what i submitted in the order description please
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