Based upon this material prepare a list of at least 10 types of information you will want to gather during your performance attendance.

Dance Performance

Craft: Review the material at (Links to an external site.)
Read the links “Guidelines for Viewing a Dance Performance,” “Guidelines for Writing About a Dance Performance,” “Mechanics,” “Dance Critique Pet Peeves,” “Example,” and “Dance Critique Checklist”

Based upon this material prepare a list of at least 10 types of information you will want to gather during your performance attendance. Take these notes to the performance.

Don’t forget to make plans to attend the University of Utah Performing Dance Company’s performance. You may choose from the following dates: March 6, 7, 13, 14 @ 7:30. Here is a link to more info: (Links to an external site.). Please put this in your calendar so that you don’t forget. You won’t have an assignment next week so that you can use the time to attend this performance.

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