Compare and contrast the different components of the business perspective as a collective whole vs. individual parts.

Help w/Business Perspectives Assignment

 Must use article in the link below.  Must complete the Web Assignment as assigned.  The assignment should be done in the form of an essay to include a cover page and a reference page, both in APA format. The body of the essay should be 300-350 words in length and conform to APA format to include proper in text citation. Students must use at least two peer-reviewed references in addition to the assigned reading materials.


  1. Compare and contrast the different components of the business perspective as a collective whole vs. individual parts.
  2. Defend or criticize the required and/or promoted social responsibility of companies.
  3. Hypothesize situations and dilemmas that constitute conflicts of social or ethical responsibility.

Article Link:


Assignment must be completed no later than 3 p.m. on 1/20.


Rubric below




Answers to questions are factually accurate, complete, and have additional detail and references to support all assertions. Answers to questions are factually accurate, complete and have enough detail to support assertions. Answers to questions are too brief to answer the questions sufficiently.  There are some deficiencies in supporting assertions as well as some factual errors. Answers to questions are incomplete.  There are significant factual errors.  Assertions are not backed up.
Analyzes the material in a manner that demonstrates a solid understanding of the importance and impact of the issues in this case and applicability to other industries. Analyzes the material in a manner that demonstrates a good understanding of the importance and impact of the issues in this case. Does not analyze the material in a manner that demonstrates a solid understanding of the importance and impact of the issues in this case. Provides no analysis of the material.
Assignment meets required length and includes more than two appropriate references, at least one of which is peer-reviewed Assignment meets required length and includes one or two appropriate references. Assignment does not meet the required length or does not include any appropriate references. Assignment does not meet the required length and no references are included.

Quality of Writing

Writing and organization is consistently of outstanding quality. Flawless presentation. No spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors. Assignment is completely in APA format. Good writing and organization of paper. Minimal spelling, grammatical, and/or punctuation errors. Good use of APA format. Writing and/or organization of paper needs improvement. The frequency of spelling, grammatical, and/or punctuation errors is distracting to the reader. Infrequent use of APA format and style. The frequency of spelling, grammatical, and/or punctuation errors makes the paper incomprehensible. No use of APA format.

Overall Effort


Written work clearly demonstrates exemplary effort and shows significant initiative, creativity, and original thought. Written work demonstrates adequate effort and is complete, thorough, and reflects original thought. Written work demonstrates little effort or is consistently incomplete or shallow. Written work de

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