week7 paperhealtht
In week 2 assignment, you had summarized the community and the health issue as identified in the Scholar-Practitioner Project(New York State Department of Health. (2006). Examples of community health assessments and report cards.)—Community Health Assessment, for this section of the SPP, you will:
State concisely one or more possible theories that might guide the intervention and explain why you chose that theory(ies).
- State the key objectives of the intervention and how they link to the theory(ies) or parts of the theory(ies).
Explain how the theories could drive the intervention. Which elements of the theories work well and which do not apply to your intervention?
- Compare the chosen theory(ies) with two other theories and explain why certain elements or entire theories were rejected. (Health behavior theory HBT and transtheoretical model (TTM) )
- Describe strengths and weaknesses of the theory(ies) you chose.
- 4 pages and 6 references.
- please see the attched document, use it to complete the paper.
- please work on the paper using the guideline/questions aboves.
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