Design & Layout
2 part assignment
Part #1
Deliverable Length: 3 – 4 pages in APA format
The memory chip manufacturer, having identified the appropriate location for its major production facility, now wants your team to determine the optimal internal layout for the facility based on the following criteria:
The facility will manufacture several lines of memory chips, some with compatible components and some that do not have compatible components.
The facility will also house an administrative support workgroup that will receive and process orders, bill customers, and provide payroll/HR support for the local workforce.
The facility will also be responsible for shipping to national, international, and local customer locations.
Assignment #1: There are 4 types of potential layouts: product-based, functional, cellular and fixed-position layouts. Define each of the listed layouts from an academic context and specify how it might apply to the company’s facility.
Part #2
Deliverable Length: 1 – 2 pages in APA format
Assignment #2 Justify your and choice for the most appropriate method for the company. Determine the most appropriate optimization models of the chosen layout(s). In other words, identify the best methods that the company can use to optimize workflow amongst those methods (individual layout types). Provide a full rationale.
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