Determined by placing a small + test charge, green in color throughout these simulations, near a charged configuration and noting the direction that the test charged is accelerated.

Mapping E field Lines”


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Due at the end of Week 3

Review textbook Chapter 16 which involves mapping of E lines for a certain unknown charge distribution. Actually you will be mapping electrostatic (Coulomb) force lines since the electric field E is proportional to the Coulomb force by the equation (Equation 16-3) but these are equivalent to the E lines with equivalent directions and proportional magnitudes.

  • This simulation can be downloaded from within your course under “PH221.Simulations”; its file name is “EXP #3 E FIELD #3.ip”.

The direction of the electric field (or Coulomb force – Total Force in this experiment) is determined by placing a small + test charge, green in color throughout these simulations, near a charged configuration and noting the direction that the test charged is accelerated.

You are free to move the small green test charge around to various locations, while noting (1) the exact location and (2) the direction of the force on that charge caused by all other charges. On the graph paper on your answer sheet, record the E field direction at the appropriate locations for the green test charge.

Try to connect the arrows in a line to form the electric field lines. These lines may not cross each other. For test charge locations, choose the corners of the squares all around the charged object(s).

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