This is my english wrting prompt 2. I put the introduction requirment in the files. you can look it up. First, you need select one of the book you already read or you will read ( The Pilgrim’s Progress (1678) by John Bunyan. Norton Critical Edition, The Sorrows of Young Werther (1774) by Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe, Dove Publications(Bilingual), Jane Eyre (1847) By Charlotte Bronte. Norton Critical Edition. A Farewell to Arms (1929) by Ernest Hemingway. Simon and Schuster) you have to choice one of book, I think the book I can not provide to you bz it is too long, you can seach online and look it. sorry about that, Second, you will create an arguable, supportable thsis, it is very important, the thesis choice need be arguable and supportable.
Next, for the first paragraph need introduces the thesis, all you can look the paper I post in file, it will tell you each paragraph what to write. the main body, need first , the topic sentence — quoates in text —- clear explanation. it is the second important part. each paragraph need have quoates in the text. and need write what page. the conclusion, do not restate the introduction or thesis. please read the paper I post to you, it is very clear and important. In the work cited, you need cited the book’s refencence. please do not work cited some other website, you only can cited books related your thesis. there are some books write the criticize about the book you choose. do not cited the webiste.
the last things is no plagiarism, it is a big part, use your own word, other resouce need be cited, thx

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