INF220 week 1
UPS and the Utility of Information Systems
After reading chapter one, watch the video: (Real Media Player can be downloaded for free at and read the additional write-up on page 16 of your text. Answer the questions listed below using APA format. Be sure to integrate vocabulary from the text to demonstrate your understanding of concepts. The paper should not exceed 2 double-spaced pages (excluding title page).
United Parcel Service’s operations are driven by its information systems technology. Beginning as a local delivery service in 1907, UPS expanded on the West coast initially, reached New York in the 1930s, and went international in the 1970s. Today, UPS delivers over 14 million packages daily to 200 countries and territories. A $1.5 billion technology investment in the 1980s buoyed the growth of UPS. The investment enabled the development of the International Shipments Processing System (ISPS), which is the key to the company’s overseas operations. The technology infrastructure enables UPS to offer its customers services in addition to the basic shipment of packages. UPS drivers play an important role in the company’s services by capturing information at the endpoints of each delivery segment. Volume, cultural differences, and hardware readiness all impact the development and continued growth of UPS.
- Describe the external factors that affect the international operations at UPS.
- Explain how these external factors cause UPS to adjust its operations.
- Discuss the inputs, processing, and outputs of UPS tracking system.
- Examine the technologies which are used by UPS. Illustrate how these technologies are related to the business model and business objectives of UPS.
Identify the problems that UPS’s information systems need to solve
Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.
Total Possible Score: 10.00
Describes the External Factors Which Affect the International Operations at UPS
Distinguished – Thoroughly and accurately describes the external factors which affect the international operations at UPS.
Proficient – Describes the external factors which affect the international operations at UPS. Minor details are missing or inaccurate.
Basic – Somewhat describes the external factors which affect the international operations at UPS. Relevant details are missing and/or inaccurate.
Below Expectations – Attempts to describe the external factors which affect the international operations at UPS; however, significant details are missing and inaccurate.
Non-Performance – The description of the external factors which affect the international operations at UPS is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the assignment instructions.
Explains How the External Factors Cause UPS to Adjust its Operations
Distinguished – Thoroughly and accurately describes how the external factors cause UPS to adjust its operations.
Proficient – Describes how the external factors cause UPS to adjust its operations, but minor details are missing or inaccurate.
Basic – Briefly describes how the external factors cause UPS to adjust its operations, but relevant details are missing and/or inaccurate.
Below Expectations – Minimally describes how the external factors cause UPS to adjust its operations and significant details are missing and inaccurate.
Non-Performance – The description of how the external factors cause UPS to adjust its operations is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the assignment instructions.
Discusses the Inputs, Processing, and Outputs of UPS Tracking System
Distinguished – Clearly and comprehensively discusses the inputs, processing, and outputs of UPS tracking system.
Proficient – Discusses the inputs, processing, and outputs of UPS tracking system. Minor details are missing or unclear.
Basic – Partially discusses the inputs, processing, and outputs of UPS tracking system. Relevant details are missing and/or unclear.
Below Expectations – Attempts to discuss the inputs, processing, and outputs of UPS tracking system; however, significant details are missing and unclear.
Non-Performance – The discussion of the inputs, processing, and outputs of UPS tracking system is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the assignment instructions.
Examines the Technologies Which are Used by UPS and Illustrates How These Technologies are Related to the Business Model and Business Objectives of UPS
Distinguished – Accurately examines the technologies which are used by UPS and illustrates how these technologies are related to the business model and business objectives of UPS.
Proficient – Examines the technologies which are used by UPS and illustrates how these technologies are related to the business model and business objectives of UPS. Minor details are missing or inaccurate.
Basic – Briefly examines the technologies which are used by UPS and illustrates how these technologies are related to the business model and business objectives of UPS. Relevant details are missing and/or inaccurate.
Below Expectations – Minimally examines the technologies which are used by UPS and illustrates how the technologies are related to the business model and business objectives of UPS. Significant details are missing and inaccurate.
Non-Performance – The examination of the technologies which are used by UPS and illustration of how these technologies are related to the business model and business objectives of UPS is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the assignment instructions.
Identifies the Problems That UPS’s Information Systems Need to Solve
Distinguished – Accurately and completely identifies the problems that UPS’s information systems need to solve.
Proficient – Identifies the problems that UPS’s information systems need to solve, but minor details are missing or inaccurate.
Basic – Briefly identifies the problems that UPS’s information systems need to solve, but relevant details are missing and/or inaccurate.
Below Expectations – Minimally identifies the problems that UPS’s information systems need to solve and significant details are missing and inaccurate.
Non-Performance – The identification of the problems that UPS’s information systems need to solve is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the assignment instructions.
Reading: Comprehension
Distinguished – Distinguishes probable implications of the text for contexts, perspectives, or issues outside the assigned task or beyond the author’s explicit message.
Proficient – Uses the text and/or specific knowledge of the author’s context to draw more intricate inferences about the author’s message and approach.
Basic – Considers how textual features (e.g., sentence and paragraph structure or tone) contribute to the author’s message. Draws fundamental inferences about context and rationale of text.
Below Expectations – Inadequately captures vocabulary but makes an effort to paraphrase or summarize the information the text communicates.
Non-Performance – The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions.
Integrative Learning: Integrated Communication
Distinguished – Utilizes a format, language, or graph (or other visual representation) in ways that enhance comprehension, while making clear the interdependence of language and meaning, thought, and expression.
Proficient – Utilizes a format, language, or graph (or other visual representation) to correlate content and form, demonstrating an awareness of purpose and audience.
Basic – Utilizes a format, language, or graph (or other visual representation) that correlates what is being communicated.
Below Expectations – Utilizes a format, language, or graph (or other visual representation) that is appropriate, but may be incomplete or contain inaccuracies.
Non-Performance – The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions.
Written Communication: APA Formatting
Distinguished – Accurately uses APA formatting consistently throughout the paper, title page, and reference page.
Proficient – Exhibits APA formatting throughout the paper. However, layout contains a few minor errors.
Basic – Exhibits limited knowledge of APA formatting throughout the paper. However, layout does not meet all APA requirements.
Below Expectations – Fails to exhibit basic knowledge of APA formatting. There are frequent errors, making the layout difficult to distinguish as APA.
Non-Performance – The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions.
Written Communication: Control of Syntax and Mechanics
Distinguished – Displays meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains no errors and is very easy to understand.
Proficient – Displays comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains only a few minor errors and is mostly easy to understand.
Basic – Displays basic comprehension of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains a few errors which may slightly distract the reader.
Below Expectations – Fails to display basic comprehension of syntax or mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains major errors which distract the reader.
Non-Performance – The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions.
Written Communication: Resource Requirement
Distinguished – Uses more than the required number of scholarly sources, providing compelling evidence to support ideas. All sources on the reference page are used and cited correctly within the body of the assignment.
Proficient – Uses the required number of scholarly sources to support ideas. All sources on the reference page are used and cited correctly within the body of the assignment.
Basic – Uses less than the required number of sources to support ideas. Some sources may not be scholarly. Most sources on the reference page are used within the body of the assignment. Citations may not be formatted correctly.
Below Expectations – Uses an inadequate number of sources that provide little or no support for ideas. Sources used may not be scholarly. Most sources on the reference page are not used within the body of the assignment. Citations are not formatted correctly.
Non-Performance – The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions.
Written Communication: Page Requirement
Distinguished – The length of the paper is equivalent to the required number of correctly formatted pages.
Proficient – The length of the paper is nearly equivalent to the required number of correctly formatted pages.
Basic – The length of the paper is equivalent to at least three quarters of the required number of correctly formatted pages.
Below Expectations – The length of the paper is equivalent to at least one half of the required number of correctly formatted pages.
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