Explain the demographic variables (age, gender, ethnicity, education etc and how these related to the study).

Research Manuscript Critique Part 2

In this module we learned about who may be included in our research and how we may go about


collecting information from them. Review each of the THREE research articles you selected in


Module 1 (Quantitative, Qualitative and Mixed)and continue your critique using the checklists below.


Post your critique no later than Saturday, January 23, 2016. Provide feedback to at least two of your


peers byMonday, January 25, 2016. Make sure to incorporate corrections based on the feedback


you received in previous assignments!


  • Sample Size: How many are included in this study? Is this sample size appropriate for this study?
  • Demographics: Explain the demographic variables (age, gender, ethnicity, education etc and how these related to the study).
  • Population: What population does the sample belong to? Ie: What are the general demographic characteristics of the population (students, children, healthy adults, mentally ill adults etc).
  • Recruitment: How were the participants recruited? Were all recruited included in the study? Is the sample appropriate for this study?
  • Location: Where were the data collected?
  • Discuss the appropriateness of the sample (is the size adequate? Is the sample appropriate for this study?)

All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.

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