Explain the reason for the consultants’ visit.

Orginizational behavior powerpoint

You are the branch manager for an office with 100 employees. You just got word that your office will be visited by an external organizational development team sent from corporate. Their job will be to study the work environment for effective work patterns, better understand the organization from a cultural perspective in areas like ethics and employee attitude, and offer suggestions for change back to corporate for consideration.

Your VP has asked you to create a PowerPoint presentation that will be used to introduce organizational behavior concepts to the staff in all branches across the country. So, each slide should make use of the “notes” section of PowerPoint to provide the text of the speech because every word cannot be written on every slide. That way, it will ensure a consistent message delivery across the country.

Your VP believes this kind of introduction will be best to ensure that employees do not panic and think they are going to lose their jobs when they first meet the consultant team. The overall goal will be to facilitate a presentation where you can explain how the organizational development team works to meet organizational and individual goals simultaneously.

In your presentation you will do the following:

  • Introduce the field of organizationalbehavior.
  • Explain the reason for the consultants’ visit.
  • Review common challenges faced by leadership including at least 2 of the following: culture, diversity, ethics, or personality characteristics in the organization.
  • Review common challenges faced by employees in terms of both attitude formation and job satisfaction.

Presentation Guidelines

The following guidelines for your PowerPoint presentation will be used to grade your work as well:

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