Explain two reasons why a project would not be awarded to a bidding firm, and provide examples for each reason.

Project Selection and Prioritization Essay Questions

MGT-461-2188-Project Management-02/2016
Assignment : W1 Assignment – Project Selection and Prioritization Essay Questions
Category : Written
Due Date : Mon, Feb 08, 2016 11:55 PM MST
Detail : Assignment: Project Selection and Prioritization Essay Questions

  • Writeanswers of approximately 150 words to each of the following prompts:
    • Describe a SWOT analysis and its purpose or use within project management.
    • Explain the criteria for choosing a particular project.
    • Explain two reasons why a project would not be awarded to a bidding firm, and  provide examples for each reason.
    • Select two types of project roles and explain the responsibilities each person fulfilling those roles has in relation to project management.
  • Format your paper using West Writing Style Handbook guideline

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