How do the elements of Raphael’s drawings come together to form the final composition?

Drawing to Painting Paper

Write a 800 word paper that explains how Raphael used drawing as part of his process for painting The Alba Madonna. Imagine that you have been asked to describe how the artist Raphael used drawings to prepare for the more sophisticated and unforgiving mode of painting. Answer the following questions:

  • What materials were needed for Raphael’s drawings?
  • What materials were needed for Raphael’s paintings?
  • How do the elements of Raphael’s drawings come together to form the final composition?
  • Why do you think Raphael drew before painting?
  • What did Raphael intend to convey through his painting?
  • How was his intended meaning successfully conveyed through the painting?
  • Do you consider drawing to be as important an art form as painting? Explain your answer.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.


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