Business Lab Reveiw class work for Examplary_Professor001
Discussion 5:Elements of a contract
For this discussion, research the Carlill vs. The Carbolic Smokeball Company. You may choose to use the NAU Online Library or any other web search. Provide a short reference list with links of sources used at the bottom of your initial discussion post. (Do not use Wikipedia)
After you have researched this case, provide a brief summary. Include the facts about the case, court ruling, defendant’s appeal, judgment, etc. Also, explain whether each element of a contract was met. Additionally, include how this could be applied in today’s business environment. Give an example or scenario in which the circumstances would be similar to the Carbolic Smokeball Case. You may provide an actual case as well.
Discussion 6:Whole foods market corprate culture
Participate in a discussion with your classmates regarding the corporate culture at Whole Foods Market. Recall that the corporate culture consists of the widely shared values within an organization that foster unity and cooperation to achieve common goals. Review the following YouTube video, Strategic Business Insights: An interview with Whole Foods Market CEO John Mackey. After reviewing this video, refer to Video Case, Whole Foods, on pages 237 & 238 in the textbook, and post your discussion and replies to your fellow classmates regarding the case study questions.
Discussion 7:Globalization
that globalization refers to the shift toward a more integrated and interdependent world economy. Globalization has several facets, including the globalization of markets and the globalization of production. Therefore, based on the Discussion Rubric requirements, and your research and analysis, post your discussion explaining the trade policies and outcomes that best serve your self-interests, e.g., lower prices for unblemished pest-free flowers, and the trade policies and outcomes that best serve the social interest, e.g., potentially implementing trade restrictions on rose plantations who misuse a toxic mixture of pesticides, fungicides, and fumigants. When posting and sharing your discussion, please include the drivers of globalization concepts and the globalization debate issues as described in the textbook. In addition, reference the four (4) outcomes of globalization, i.e., growth, wages, poverty, and inequality, as highlighted in the research material.
The research material for this discussion includes the following two (2) articles:
1. Refer to the Opening Case titled, “The Rise of Ecuador’s Rose Industry”, on page 241 in the textbook.
2. Refer to our NAU Online Library; after opening the Online Library, select the down-arrow option within the Subject Guides Icon; then select the General Studies Option, Search for the following article: The Wealth (and Want) of Nations: The Impact of Economic Globalization on the Developing World. Authors: Haase, Dwight1 Source: Perspectives on Global Development & Technology. 2012, Vol. 11 Issue 1, p38-49. 12p.
Discussion 8:Consumer Habits
Think back to first exercise from this Learning Plan, recall the last $100 item you purchased. Consider your thoughts on the actions the marketer took to get the item ready for your purchase. Now think about the time and effort you put into buying this particular item. How much thought did you put into the purchase? What cultural or personal factors influenced your decision? What do you know about your purchase now that you didn’t know before making it? If you do know more, is that a good or a bad thing? Have you evaluated the service? And if so, what feedback did you provide and how?
As you answer these questions, consider how a company capitalizes on both the buyer decision-making process and buyer evaluation process with its product or service.
Discussion 9:
This class is meant to provide a review of many of the concepts and topics you have learned throughout your time at NAU. As such, it is a broad review of numerous classes. In this discussion, reflect on your review of the material. Was anything new brought to light? Is there anything you recalled that you may have forgotten? Did the review prepare you for the final exam?
Assignment 5
LP5 Assignment: Case Scenario Analysis
This assignment will assess Competency 5. Explore the legal dimensions of contemporary business operations.
Directions: Read and analyze the scenario below. Using Microsoft Word, answer the questions posed. You must use the law you learned to support your answers. Your assignment should be a minimum of 1 full page and follow these guidelines: 12-point Times font One inch margins Double-spaced Correct spelling, grammar and sentence structure.
The Great Minneapolis Surplus Store published the following advertisement in a Minneapolis newspaper: Saturday 9 a.m. 2 Brand New Pastel Mink 3-Skin Scarfs selling for $89.50 now selling for $1.00 each. 1 Black Lapin Stole worth $139.50 will sell for $1.00. First Come First Served. Leftkowitz, the first customer admitted to the store on Saturday, tried to buy the Lapin stole. The store refused to sell it to Lefkowitz, stating that the offer was for women only. Leftkowitz sued.
Was the offer definite enough to allow Leftkowitz to tender a valid acceptance? Explain your answer using the law you learned. (i.e. If there was a valid offer, explain why the offer meets the elements of an offer. If there was no valid offer, explain why the advertisement does not meet the elements of an offer. If there was a valid acceptance, explain why the acceptance meets the elements of an acceptance, if there was no valid acceptance, explain why Leftkowitz’s actions did not meet the elements of an acceptance.)
Submit this assignment to your instructor via the dropbox “LP5 Assignment: Case Scenario Analysis.” This assignment is worth 30 points and will be graded according to the scoring guide below.
LP7 Assignment: Who Makes the Apple iPhone?
Directions: For this assignment, please complete the Case Discussion Questions in the Closing Case: Who Makes the Apple iPhone?, on page 331 in the textbook. The expected content of your responses to these questions should include your analysis of the issues and concerns as described in the research material, based on the elements, trends, and themes highlighted in the chapter learning objectives in the textbook. In addition, your responses should be 1 to 2 pages in length and follow the case discussion format provided in the textbook.
The research material for this discussion includes the following two (2) articles:
• Refer to the Closing Case titled, “Who Makes the Apple iPhone?”, on page 331 in the textbook.
• Refer to our NAU Online Library; after opening the Online Library, select the down-arrow option within the Subject Guides Icon; then select the General Studies Option, Search for the following article: How U.S. Lost Out On iPhone Work:, CHARLES DUHIGG and KEITH BRADSHER. New York Times, 22 Jan 2012: A.1.
Submit this assignment to your instructor via the dropbox “LP7 Assignment: Who Makes the Apple iPhone” This assignment is worth 30 points.
LP8 Assignment: Marketing Plan Outline
This assignment will assess Competency 8. Explore the general principles of marketing strategy, development, and implementation.
For this assignment, you will create an outline of a marketing proposal to launch a new product. The outline must consist of a brief introduction and conclusion, and must provide an explanation of each of the 4 P’s, as well as considerations for the variables of which you have no control, yet have an awareness of with regards to your product. The Outline should run between 1 to 2 pages and length and follow a general outline format.
I. Introduction
II. Considerations for the things you can control (Marketing Mix, 4 P’s). You will need to provide an explanation for each of the 4 P’s:
• Product
• Place
• Promotion
• Price
III. Identify the things you cannot control. Provide an explanation for each of the following:
• Social or Cultural Environment
• Legal, Political, and Regulatory Environment
• Economic Environment
• Technological Environment
• Competitive Environment
IV. Conclusion
Submit this assignment to your instructor via the dropbox “LP8 Assignment: Marketing Plan Outline.” This assignment is worth 30 points and will be graded according to the scoring guide below.

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