How would you address these issues with the partnering companies called into question?

Assume the role of a senior-level manager in a multinational company.

Assume the role of a senior-level manager in a multinational company. You have discovered that partnering companies that have done business with your company for decades have been found to have engaged in highly unethical practices in conflict with your company’s cultural norms. Even worse, it has been rumored that these companies have engaged in human rights violations and possible financial issues that would be considered criminal in your local area. To make matters more complex, such activity is perfectly legal where these companies operate. Nevertheless, your company has an ethical image to keep in your local area and the news media want to interview you about these issues. How would you address these issues with the partnering companies called into question? Importantly, how do you keep your company from suffering much damage due to poor publicity? Thoroughly explain.

600 to 700 Words                                               

APA style.


 Two resources at least, (only online resources).

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