How would you apply the four functions of the marketing management process in your role?

week 4 discussion

Follow format below and 250 words

Discussion 1: Functions of Marketing Management

Assume you are the Marketing Manager for Target or another brand. (If you select Target, you may use Video 9.1: Marketing Success as a source. Approach this discussion from the role of a Marketing Manager.)

  • How would you apply the four functions of the marketing management process in your role? 
  • In your answer, identify how a marketing manager might realize when it is time to focus on one function or another. 


  • You must use the text and at least one additional scholarly source.
  • Do not copy and paste information from the Google search, or internet pages, or your text book. If you want to quote something (with proper citation), you should then add your thoughts and discuss how you find that information related to your viewpoint. Do not repeat the facts of the text or DQ.
  • You should bring up fresh ideas, or share your experience related to the topic. You can also ask questions and seek your classmates’ opinion, BUT provide your reflections about your own questions first to show your position before asking others about their viewpoint.

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