I am going to upload the final exam file that has the questions once I submit the order .

I am going to upload the final exam file that has the questions once I submit the order . Last question should be one page around 250 words .

**Please note that the professor is strict with the plagiarism as he uses Turnitin so please do not copy anything . Moreover, here are the movies that we have watched in class and all the answers should be based on those movies :

-The Battleship Potemkin (1925) Russia
– M (Lang 1933) -Germany
– Gojira (Honda 1954) Japan
– Bicycle Thieves (De Sica 1948) Italy
-Cleo from 5 to 7 (Varda 1962), France
-Festen (Vintenberg 1998),Denmark
-Monsoon Wedding (Nair 2002) India
-Waiting for Happiness (Sissako 2002 ) Africa
-Cairo Station (Chahine 1958) Egypt
-Offside (Panahi 2003), Iran
-Battle of Algiers (Pontecorvo 1966), Algeria
-A Summer at La Goulette (Boughedir 1996) Tunisia
-The Host (2009)
– A Touch of Sin (Jia 2013) China .

Please watch the movie carefully to answer the questions clearly as this is a final exam . Thanks much

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