Last week, you were afforded the opportunity to identify your dominant archetype and some of the key attributes of your persona. For this assignment, you will delve more deeply into the “shadow” aspects of your archetype. To begin, review the following materials: Required Audio (Archetypal Issues and Conflict in Policing): Audio File found at: (Scroll part-way down the page for audio track–my presentation is in the latter part of the audio clip) Required Reading (Understanding the Jungian Shadow). Article found at: Required PowerPoint Presentation (attached to this discussion board using the following link: Brightman_Archetypal_Imbalance_v4_20Mar15.pdf Once you have reviewed each of these materials, prepare an (approximately) three-paragraph, discussion-based posting that discusses the SHADOW elements of your archetype–and how having awareness of these elements is important to your leadership style as a Criminal Justice professional. Lastly, based on the audio file and PowerPoint presentation on Military v. Police discussing animus and anima energy and personality/temperament, discuss how your own self-awareness of your animus and personality/temperament factor into the current trend towards militarization in policing–either positively ot negatively. below you will find my essay for last weeks Personality is the main aspect in people’s lives since it determines the overall nature of a person. There are many things that shape personality of an individual and one of these things is the archetype of a person. A person usually has more than one archetype but there is only one which dominates a person. The archetype that dominates a person is known as shadow archetype and it is the one that shapes the personality of an individual (Edinger, 2007). After watching archetype videos and doing a thorough research on different archetypes, I was able to identify my archetype and the shadow archetype which I will discuss in this paper. To start with, I realized that I have many archetypes that shape my personality. My dominant archetype is categorized under ego type archetype and the archetype itself is hero. I first analyzed things I like to do and things that I have already done, I realized that I am a hero. To be a hero one does not have to be a national figure but what ones do in one’s environment is the main factor that determines this archetype. The archetype has some weaknesses and strengths. I have been too arrogance in life and I always like another battle to fight and I came to realize that it is a weakness of my archetype. On the side of strength, my archetype helps me to be courageous and competent in everything and thus they are strengths of a hero as an archetype (Stevens, 2013). My archetype has various attributes and they are the ones which base my strengths. The first attribute is courage. Without courage one cannot be a hero and thus this is the first attribute that shapes my archetype and my general personality. The next attribute is strength where the archetype requires one to have mental, physical and emotional strength. Finally, competence is the last key attribute of a hero as an archetype. This is the foundation of my archetype and my personality. This archetype is of a great importance as far as criminal justice arena is concerned. Criminal justice arena currently requires a hero who will stand with courage and who will have strength and competence required to bring justice in the country and the world at large. With this archetype I am sure I will be able to stand and fight for justice in criminal justice arena. Conclusion In conclusion, I have many archetypes but hero is my shadow archetype which shapes my personality. Courage, strength and competence are some of the strength of my archetype and they are the key attribute that are required in criminal justice arena. Personality is the main aspect in people’s lives since it determines the overall nature of a person. There are many things that shape personality of an individual and one of these things is the archetype of a person. A person usually has more than one archetype but there is only one which dominates a person. The archetype that dominates a person is known as shadow archetype and it is the one that shapes the personality of an individual (Edinger, 2007). After watching archetype videos and doing a thorough research on different archetypes, I was able to identify my archetype and the shadow archetype which I will discuss in this paper. To start with, I realized that I have many archetypes that shape my personality. My dominant archetype is categorized under ego type archetype and the archetype itself is hero. I first analyzed things I like to do and things that I have already done, I realized that I am a hero. To be a hero one does not have to be a national figure but what ones do in one’s environment is the main factor that determines this archetype. The archetype has some weaknesses and strengths. I have been too arrogance in life and I always like another battle to fight and I came to realize that it is a weakness of my archetype. On the side of strength, my archetype helps me to be courageous and competent in everything and thus they are strengths of a hero as an archetype (Stevens, 2013). My archetype has various attributes and they are the ones which base my strengths. The first attribute is courage. Without courage one cannot be a hero and thus this is the first attribute that shapes my archetype and my general personality. The next attribute is strength where the archetype requires one to have mental, physical and emotional strength. Finally, competence is the last key attribute of a hero as an archetype. This is the foundation of my archetype and my personality. This archetype is of a great importance as far as criminal justice arena is concerned. Criminal justice arena currently requires a hero who will stand with courage and who will have strength and competence required to bring justice in the country and the world at large. With this archetype I am sure I will be able to stand and fight for justice in criminal justice arena. Conclusion In conclusion, I have many archetypes but hero is my shadow archetype which shapes my personality. Courage, strength and competence are some of the strength of my archetype and they are the key attribute that are required in criminal justice arena.
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