Please note that you must use a huge amount of quotes from both novels to support the views and attitudes of the characters as well as the authors. At least 20 percent of the essay should include quotes.

Compare and contrast the views and the attitudes towards violence and revolution of Stepan(in the novel “The Just Assassins”) and the Professor (in the novel “The Secret Agent”. Focus on both similarities and differences between them, and also discuss how the authors of these two novels (Camus and Conrad) see these characters that they have created.
Please note that you must use a huge amount of quotes from both novels to support the views and attitudes of the characters as well as the authors. At least 20 percent of the essay should include quotes.
The novels needed are ” The Secret Agent” by Joseph Conrad and ” Caligula and 3 other plays” by Albert Camus in which you are to use the play ” The Just Assassins”

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