Select the three factors of an organization’s culture that you feel are important to successfully implement a new strategy.

Support Strategies

  • Select a specific type of healthcare organization (hospital, clinic, nursing home, etc.), and provide one example of a value-added service applicable to the type of organization that you have selected. Recommend two value-added support strategies necessary to implement this service for the type of organization you selected.
  • Determine three reasons why you should evaluate the facilities and equipment aspects of a healthcare organization in order to implement value-added support strategies. Provide a rationale for your response.

Strategy and Culture” Please respond to the following:

  • Assess the importance of the link between a healthcare organization’s culture and its structure, relative to the successful implementation of its chosen strategy. Provide one example of such importance–or lack thereof–to support your position.
  • Select the three factors of an organization’s culture that you feel are important to successfully implement a new strategy. Provide a rationale for your response.






Developing an Action Plan” Please respond to the following:

  • Imagine that you are the Director of the Admitting Department of a hospital, and your strategy to increase patient satisfaction is to hire additional staff to register patients. Outline the action plan (who, what, and when) that you would use in order to effectively implement your strategy. (Consider a time where you or someone you know visited the admitting department of a hospital.)
  • From the scenario in part 1 of this discussion, determine two specific unit objectives that would help to ensure the success of your strategy. Provide a rationale for your response




Evaluating an Action Plan” Please respond to the following:

  • Determine three barriers that could disrupt an action plan geared towards implementing a new strategy. Propose solutions to these foreseen barriers.
  • Suggest three factors that are necessary to the successful implementation of an action plan strategy. Provide a rationale for your belief in the importance of the three factors that you have

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