State your question in PICOT format, labeling each part with P-I-C-O-T in parentheses.

For Professor Ryan

Develop a scholarly project that demonstrates an application of evidence to practice for substantive change. This project emphasizes critical appraisal and application of evidence-based research, scholarly writing, and critical thinking. The scholarly project will be submitted as a written paper in APA format/style. In addition, learners will present a summary of the final project orally or by creating a PowerPoint presentation.

Learners will select one of the following types of projects related to their specific advanced role specialization and target population:

  • Educational program
  • Evidence-based healthcare policy change
  • Evidence-based clinical issue or protocol

Overview of the Evidence Based Project (EBP):

Part 1 of the project proposal in a one-page APA formatted paper (excluding the cover page and reference page). Be sure to reflect on feedback from faculty and classmates from this week’s discussion. Include:

Part 1: Introduction

  • Summarize the practice issue in need of change providing background information and the perceived significance of the problem
  • Describe the specific aims of the project – what improved outcomes do you hope to achieve
  • State your question in PICOT format, labeling each part with P-I-C-O-T in parentheses
  • Discuss the significance of the issue in terms of poor outcomes, cost, etc

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