Study the learning perspectives we covered in class (behaviourism, cognitivism, etc.)thoroughly in order to do the following.

research the role of teacher in education

  • Interview students, teachers, parents, etc. to find out about their understanding of the role of teacher in education (what is it? and how should it be?). Some examples of this role are: facilitator, motivator, knowledge feeder, examiner, grader, etc. You can use a questionnaire instead of an interview if you wish. Write the interview questions/questionnaire and show them to me before using them.


  • Once your data is collected, examine the responses and use diagrams to present them



  • Study the learning perspectives we covered in class (behaviourism, cognitivism, etc.)thoroughly in order to do the following: Relate people’s understanding of the (realistic or ideal) role of the teacher to the learning perspectives  You also need to show me the sources you will use.


  • Report your study in the form of a short research paper (6-7 pages).


  • Start with an introduction (use the word Introduction as the heading). This section should give a summary of people’s understanding of the role of the teacher in education. Finish your introduction with a thesis statement summarising to the reader what you will cover in the paper or your objective(s). One example of such a statement is: This paper investigates the view of Saudi college/university students, parents and teachers on the role of the teacher in education. Questions related to their understanding of this role as it is in reality and as it should be in an ideal situation were raised. The results showed that people’s understanding is shaped by the learning perspective applied in schools or by their desire to change the methodology.


  • Move on to section (2). Use the following title for this section: Schools of Learning in Psychology. Write in your own wordsa summary of the schools the interviewees’ responses can be related to.



  • Move on to section (3). Use the following title for this section: Methodology.  In this section, you will describe the following:  1) the research tool you used (interview or questionnaire) and the objectives of using it and 2) the participants of the research (parents, students and their ages and education levels, etc.). See the attached sample.


  • Move on to section (4). Use the following title: Results and Discussion. In this section, you will present your results and analyse them (i.e., relate them to the learning perspectives you mentioned in section (2). See the attached sample.



  • Move on to section (5), the conclusion. Write a summary of your research project and findings, showing how people’s understanding of the role of the teacher in is shaped by the learning perspective applied in schools or by their desire to change the methodology.

add a section before the conclusion to suggest a solution or write recommendations. You

can use tine following title for this section: Solutions and Recommendations



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