What are some suggestions to prevent a repeat of the tragedy of New Orleans and other coastal cities in the wake of this event?

Short paper

In this paper, describe Hurricane Katrina, its strength by the “Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale,” and the extent of its damage, and the losses to the cities involved. What are some suggestions to prevent a repeat of the tragedy of New Orleans and other coastal cities in the wake of this event?

  • Page Requirements: 2- 3 pages for content, and a reference page.
  • Writing Style: Your choice of APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.
  • Sources: at least three sources (websites, and you can use the text as one source).
  • Font: Times New Roman or Calibri, 12 point font.
  • Page Layout: one inch margins, double spacing, and do not double space student ID information.
  • Format: Word document (.rtf or .doc.).

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