discussion questions
- Think about this…and comment. This is my favorite (well, maybe I don’t have a favorite since I wrote them all) DB question. It’s probably my favorite because we have all been there.
- What did you do when you were in Walmart, in the toy section, and you saw a mother yelling at her child and then slapping him because he wouldn’t be quiet. He wanted a toy and she didn’t want to (or couldn’t afford to) buy it for him. I know you have all been there (I have too). Which of the following should you do?
- Approach the mother and inform her that what she is doing a child abuse
- Quickly go down another aisle
- Tell the store manager
- Call the cops
- Perhaps, like the majority of people, question yourself….”is that really child abuse”?….and go about your shopping
- Please provide your opinion to this and respond to at least two other student’s posts for full credit.
2. How do you feel?
- Should child abusers be punished? Why?
- Is there a better, or different, way to deal with child abusers and/or those that neglect children?
- Does it, or should it, make a difference if the abuse/neglect is within the family or outside the family?
- Please provide your opinion to this and respond to at least two other student’s posts for full credit.
- What are some of the skills needed to interview children?
- What are some of the problems encountered when interviewing children?
- What might need to be avoided?
- Please provide your opinion to this and respond to at least two other student’s posts for full credit.
- What is your opinion of how a sexual abuser (sex offender) should be treated (treatment in the sense of ‘being treated’) after conviction of their crime. Be sure to consider factors such as sex offender registration, which requires the offender to notify the police of change of address and imposes restrictions on their freedom (where you may go or live); reflect upon how the treatment and restrictions imposed on sex offenders compares to other convicted criminal offenders. Give this some deep thought.
- Please provide your opinion to this and respond to at least two other student’s posts for full credit.
- What can you as an individual do to help prevent child abuse and neglect?
- Please provide your opinion to this and respond to at least two other student’s posts for full credit.
6. This is the last DB question that you have to answer for this course, but hopefully not the last discussion you have on the topic of child abuse/neglect prevention and investigation.
As a reminder to do your part….remember that April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. You can also join organizations like BACA (Bikers Against Child Abuse), the Exchange Club (who champions for abused children), or become a CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) volunteer .
- Express your thoughts on children who are victims of abuse/neglect. Will they grow up and because abusers themselves?
- If so, how do we end the cycle of violence?
- Please provide your opinion to this and respond to at least two other student’s posts for full credit.
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