What components were difficult for me to complete when planning the lesson?



Week 5 Journal


As an educator, a large portion of learning and growth comes from reflection and refinement.


For this week’s journal, use this self-reflection rubric to evaluate the effectiveness of your lesson plan from Week Four. Elaborate on the areas of strength in your lesson plan, as well as those areas in need of improvement. provide an evaluation of at least three of your classmates’ lesson plans that were uploaded to the Doc Sharing Tab last week. Using the rubric, provide justification and an explanation of how you scored their areas of strength and areas in need of improvement.


  1. What was easy for me in planning the lesson? Why?


  1. What components were difficult for me to complete when planning the lesson? Why?


  1. What do I want to improve on when creating lesson plans?


  1. How will this assignment help me in my future role?


Evaluate 3- peer’s Lesson plans


Evaluation of Peer’s Lesson Plan:




Areas of Reflection:


Evaluation of Peer’s Lesson Plan:




Areas of Reflection




Evaluation of Peer’s Lesson Plan:




Areas of Reflection


This is the three peers lesson plans, Listed below-

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