What could organizational leaders and decision makers have done to make the change more successful?

Personal Experience Organizational Change Discuss

After reading the assigned HBS article on change, please think about a personal experience you have had related to organizational change.

What challenges to change occurred?

What could organizational leaders and decision makers have done to make the change more successful?

Be sure to reference your readings and any other resources you find.


  • Write a discuss essay about this topic, it must be 300 word at least in APA stile with some References, size 12 , double line.
  • Write 2 Separate paragraph about the same topic as an discussions about the same topic as a response , each one of them  must be 150 word at least in APA style with some References, size 12 , double line.


  • Poth the essay and the 2 Separate paragraph must be an original without any Plagiarism.


the link for the assigned HBS article:

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