What do you think were the main reasons why different levels of motorized patrol failed to have any impact on crime or public perception?


On page #120 of your Police & Society book is a list of 8 questions under Critical Thinking Questions. Your assignment for the next class period is to read question #1 & #2 and type your responses. It should be no less than two paragraphs, 12 point, times new roman font of course and double spaced. I am not looking for a 5 page paper here folks.



#1). The results of the Kansas City Preventative Patrol Experiment were really surprising to the public and the police. What do you think were the main reasons why different levels of motorized patrol failed to have any impact on crime or public perception?

#2). According to the findings of the Newark Foot Patrol Experiment, crime was not reduced in neighborhoods that had foot patrol, but people in those areas felt safer anyway. How would you explain that apparent contradiction?



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