What outcomes do you propose the evaluation will help to achieve for the organization?

Due 10 PM MT time

You have been solicited to conduct a performance evaluation for a public organization that has been corrupted over issues of personnel embezzling funds. Before actually conducting the evaluation, you—the evaluator—need to know certain specifics to conduct a thorough evaluation.

Compose a proposal that describes what type of evaluation will be conducted. In the proposal, explain the type of public organization. Describe some of the main services, products, and activities the organization provides to the public. Describe the size of the problem, who is affected by the problem, how long the problem has been in existence, and how long the evaluation will take. Also, describe what the evaluation will assess with respect to organizational leadership. Finally, what outcomes do you propose the evaluation will help to achieve for the organization?

Assignment Guidelines

  • Address the following in 750–1,000 words:
    • Create, describe, and explain the type of fictional public organization.
    • Describe some of the main services, products, and activities the organization provides to the public.
      • You may not use the same fictional organization as was used in the previous Week’s Individual Project.
    • How significant is the corruption problem in your organization? Explain in detail.
    • How long has the corruption problem been present in your organization? Explain in detail.
    • How long will it take to conduct the performance evaluation? Explain why.
    • What will the evaluation assess with regard to the organizational leadership? Explain in detail.
    • What outcomes do you propose the evaluation will help to achieve for the organization? Why?
  • Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.

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