What range of marks do you think you are going to get for coursework?



CW1 Portfolio


Please note: all components must be submitted  

Word count 1700 approx.  

You should provide a front cover sheet for your portfolio as well as a short introduction and a table of contents.

Clearly identify each element of your portfolio by putting a heading on each page.

Include a bibliography listing all of the resources at the end of your work.


Part 1: Provide a short summary of meeting with your Personal Tutor, the feedback you have    been offered and what you have done in Term 1 to assist your academic skill development. (500 words)


Having completed the Diagnostic and had your Personal Tutor meeting what can you reflect on your strengths and the areas you need to work on?   What have you done this Term to improve your academic skills outside of the teaching sessions for CC3035 in areas such as reading, writing or critical thinking skills?   This should include a discussion of any supplementary activities i.e., Writing Centre, SkillZone etc., you have been asked to undertake.


To pass this part of the Portfolio a student should show that:

They have fully engaged with the Diagnostic Assessment and the Personal Tutor system.

That they have understood their strengths and the areas they need to work on.

That they have sought to improve their academic skills outside of the teaching sessions for CC3035.


Part 2

Provide an evaluation of the key arguments, facts and evidence in a reading from one of your other modules in the programme but not CC3036. You should select three interesting quotes from the reading and explain why they are interesting. (700 words)



To pass this part of the Portfolio a student should show that:

They have understood the reading

That they have identified the key arguments, facts and evidence in the reading.

They have evaluated the reading.

The shortest/easiest reading I can find will be attached, is in a pdf and i’ll post the page num.edit: page 10-12.


Part 3

Provide an annotated bibliography of resources that you have used for an assessment on one of your other modules but not CC3036. This must contain a minimum of 4 references across a range of resources and be correctly formatted, following the Harvard referencing system. (500 words)



To pass this part of the Portfolio a student should show that:

They have read and understood the conventions around setting out bibliographies following the Harvard system of referencing.

They are able to explain how and why the resource has been used in the piece of coursework.


Purpose of an annotated bibliography is to:

review the literature of a particular subject.

demonstrate the quality and depth of reading that you have done.

consider the range of sources available.

consider why you have selected these for your assignment.


An annotated bibliography starts with the bibliographic details of a source (the citation) followed by a brief annotation.

Arrange alphabetically according to the author €™s last name. For this assignment, the annotated bibliography summary should be approx 100 words per citation.


Provide the full bibliographic citation

Outline the main argument

Identify any conclusions made by the author/s

Discuss why you have chosen this particular source for your coursework.

This is where the essay for media+culture helps.



Part 4

Write a reflective piece on progress this academic year. (500 words)

Self-reflection and evaluation is very important at university in order to improve performance.   This should be done weekly, monthly, termly and yearly.   It is where you identify what has been successful and what still needs working on.   It is also where you create two or three areas that will be your top priority for the first term next year.


Criteria: To pass this part of the Portfolio a student should show that they:

offer an honest and accurate self-reflection and evaluation

understand how well they have performed in Term 1

can be clear about what needs working on for the future

can identify the two or three areas they are going to work on next term.

Reflect upon yourself:

We have shown you what is needed   and where to get help.

How have you changed?

How well do you think you are doing?

How would you rate yourself out of 10?

What range of marks do you think you are going to get for coursework?



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