5 Page Paper for Case Studies – Montego Bay and Cub Scout Pack 81 Case Studies
Montego Bay and The Cub Scout Pack Case Studies
Read both Leadership Development Cases for Analysis (Montego Bay, p. 254, and Cub Scout Pack 81, p. 255) at the end of Chapter 8. After reading the chapter and the cases, write two (2) short essays addressing the questions/issues in Parts A and B below. Your Activity responses should be both grammatically and mechanically correct, and formatted in the same fashion as the Activity itself. If there is a Part A, your response should identify a Part A, etc. In addition, you must appropriately cite all resources used in your response and document in a bibliography using APA style. (150 points) (A 5-page response is required for a combination of Parts A and B.)
Part A | What theories of motivation underlie the switch to the new, computerized scheduling system at Montego Bay? Why are employees working harder? Why aren’t they happier? If you were Lisa Mahoney, what factors would you use to evaluate the success of the six-month trial period? Would you stick with this automated scheduling system? What will you propose to Theresa Daley for the future? (75 points) |
Part B | How could Expectancy Theory explain the changes in Cub Scout Pack 81? What were the expectancies in the past, and what are the expectancies now? Be sure to give at least two (2) examples from the case for each. For example, they had been losing membership, “if we don’t win something we are disappointed.” Use E†P, P †O, and valence in your answer. (75 points) |
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