Case Study
Unit VII Scholarly Activity
Sociologists research and write about current topics that are culturally, politically, socially, and economically important. One such subject is same-sex marriage.
For this assignment, you will research a few court cases. Your goal here is to study this subject as a scientist would. Therefore, it does not matter whether you agree with the ruling or not, you can still write objectively about it. Use the Internet to find court cases and news articles from mainstream news outlets to use for your references, along with the textbook.
Begin by looking up the
Loving v. Virginia case. Next, list the states that allow same-sex marriage. What were some of the arguments the states used in their legalization? What were some of the legal arguments against same-sex marriage? (Note: When looking for information, please refrain from religious reasoning or personal opinions; remember, you are looking at this as a scientist.) Do you think that the Supreme Court’s ruling on Loving v. Virginia changed much about American attitudes and practices? Does this case set precedent for same-sex marriage? How has this view changed over time? Do you see a shift in America’s view towards same-sex marriage? In what way is it changing?
Finally, briefly discuss how you feel about the subject. To what groups do you belong that help to shape your feelings about this issue? How do they help shape them?
Your assignment must be a minimum of two pages in length. As always, use APA formatting. Pay special attention to the proper citation of Internet resources.
Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below.
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