Why is it important to investigate or examine the subject of the article?

Journal article review

5 page turabian style journal article review for

Nuclear Deterrence and Cyber:

The Quest for Concept

Dr. Stephen J. Cimbala




journal article is an evaluation of the article’s strengths, weaknesses, and validity. It is used to inform of the article’s value through your explanation, interpretation, and analysis. As you do this, ask the major questions that are central to the review process:


1. What is the purpose of this article?

2. Why is it important to investigate or examine the subject of the article?

3. How are the authors carrying out the task? Are their methods and comments appropriate and adequate to the task?

4. What do they claim to have found out? Are the findings clearly stated?

5. How does this advance knowledge in the field?

title and refrence page not included in page count

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