eadership characteristics**
Paper length: 8-10 pages (paper should be written as if I am writing it since the assignment is a self-analysis utilizing the Authentic Leadership assessment taken by both myself and 4 peers)
Format: APA format
Leadership Model: Authentic Leadership
Refer to the attached Authentic Leadership assessment. This assessment includes a self-assessment and the assessment of 4 peers.
Write an 8-10 page paper regarding Authentic Leadership and include the following writings within the text;
- Write an analysis based on the attached assessment results of my leadership characteristics
- Write recommendations for strengthening my leadership characteristics.
- Write on recommendations to address how I might go about strengthening my leadership characteristics and potential.
The paper should be well-written, supported by scholarly references, formatted according to APA format, approximately 3,000 – 4,000 words (8-10 pages) in length, demonstrate critical thinking, and be free of grammar and spelling errors.
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