Determine the new competencies the company would need to meet the new corporate direction.

2000 Words: International Marketing Environment

Andy’s dad liked the idea of trying a new line of chocolate brands under the fair trade labeling movement, but he needed more information before presenting the idea to the company’s board of directors. Andy has asked you to prepare a report containing the following information:

  1. Develop a new mission statement that incorporates both the pursuit of social causes and the internationalization of the business.
  2. Determine the new competencies the company would need to meet the new corporate direction.
  3. Determine the impact of European Union (EU) legislation on the trade of packaged chocolate from the United States to Belgium.
  4. Determine the external environmental factors affecting the marketing of gourmet chocolate to Belgium and affecting the industry in this country, including the following:
    • geographical and technological factors
    • economic and financial factors
    • cultural and social factors

Use the library, Internet, and other resources available to you to conduct your research to complete your assignment.

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