Accounting Information Systems
Batch processing occurs when similar transactions are accumulated over time and processed together. Real time processing captures each event or transaction and processes it before engaging in another transaction. If transactions are independent of one another, such as the processing of daily cash receipts, then batch processing is appropriate. If transactions are dependent on one another, such as credit sales, ticket sales, etc., then real time processing is more appropriate.
- Time lag is one characteristic used to distinguish between batch and real-time systems. Explain. Give an example of when each is a realistic choice.
- Resource use is one characteristic used to distinguish between batch and real-time systems. Explain.
- Discuss how batch processing may be used to improve operational efficiency.
- If an organization processes large numbers of transactions that use common data records, what type of system would work best (all else being equal)?
Needs to be 2-3 pages
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Grading Criteria | |
Analyzed the given situation in the IP. | 50% |
Additional research supporting the initial answer to the IP. | 30% |
Justified ideas and responses by using appropriate examples and references from texts, Web sites, and other references or personal experience. | 20% |
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