Discuss,read the required chapters from the Harré (2006) Key Thinkers in Psychology e-book. Examine one of the schools of thought (psychoanalysis, behaviorism, etc.) presented in the reading that is significant in the evolution of modern psychology.

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, Select one theorist associated with this school of thought and explain the specific theoretical perspective(s) and/or contribution(s) this individual made to the field of psychology. Evaluating the impact of the theory and/or contribution(s) to the field as a whole, identify the strengths and weaknesses of your theorist’s contribution(s).
Choose one contemporary issue or problem that is prevalent in today’s news and research a minimum of one peer-reviewed article on this issue in the Ashford University Library. Evaluate the issue from your chosen school of thought and your theorist’s perspective. Explain how the theory provides a deeper understanding of and insight into the conditions and behaviors related to the contemporary issue. Evaluate contemporary applications of psychological theory to the issue. Support your evaluation of the news piece with your peer-reviewed research on the topic.

Part II

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read the Fisher (2009) article, “Replacing ‘Who is the Client?’ With a Different Ethical Question” and the APA’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct: Including 2010 Amendments paying special attention to standard 3.11.
Informed consent is an important ethical component of research and practice. It is not, however, always sufficient or appropriate for consulting, program evaluation, job effectiveness assessment, or other psychological services delivered to or through organizations because it does not always address all the necessary elements of a given situation. These facts do not negate our responsibility as psychology professionals to inform clients and those who may be impacted by our services. In the discussion you will address these issues through the following case study.
You are an industrial organizational (I/O) psychologist and have been hired to evaluate a company’s “Work From Home” policy to see if it has increased company production. In addition to a review of the employee records, the evaluation needs to include interviews with supervisors and employees on the value and limits of the policy. Since informed consent as typically considered in clinical, counseling, and research settings will not be sufficient in this instance, you will need to inform all supervisors and employees about your services.
In your initial post, briefly analyze and define who the client is in this case study. Assess your professional role as the I/O psychologist and your responsibility to the client as defined. Apply the APA’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct to this scenario, specifically addressing what information should be provided to all supervisors and employees. Explain how you would disseminate this information and ensure understanding amongst all stakeholders. Elaborate on how you would establish trust with the employees, protect employee identities, and ensure the results are used in an ethical manner.

Part III

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read the Grenyer & Lewis (2012) “Prevalence, Prediction, and Prevention of Psychologist Misconduct” article and the APA Practice Central’s Professional Health and Well-being for Psychologists , Tips from Practitioners on Finding Work-Life Balance , and Tips for Self-Care online articles.
Select two complaints presented in the Grenyer & Lewis article (see Table 1) and explain the ramifications of these violations applying the APA’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct to each situation. Assess the role of the APA in assisting psychology professionals in the identification of potential areas of misconduct. Describe and recommend a course of action to avoid these areas. Evaluate the contemporary role of psychology professionals and elaborate on the relationship between self-care and the issue of maintaining ethical principles and professional standards. Identify one or two self-care tips, tools, or suggested courses of action provided on the APA’s Self-care resources for psychologists website that might address the issues which lead to the chosen complaints.

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