Have I Record Everything I Was Supposed to?”
“Have I Record Everything I Was Supposed to?” Please respond to the following:
- Per the text, effective criminal investigators take notes of not only detailed information about the crime but generalized information that may or may not be relevant to the crime they are investigating. Refer to figure 2.15 “Recreation of a homicide shooting” in Chapter 2 of the textbook and determine the information (important and generalized) that you would take for your crime investigation report. Be sure to classify each piece of information as being either important or generalized. Provide a rationale for your chosen pieces of information and the classification to which you identified them.
- Citizen online crime reporting has become popular in recent years but it has generated some speculation on its validity. Interpret your thoughts on the validity of self-reporting by citizens, and explain the main reasons why some people question the validity of citizen online crime reporting.
- Class discussion has to be unique.
- no less than 5 sentences per answer
- 1 reference
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