How do institutional policies and practices foster or hinder ethical perspectives?

lease review the Grading Form for criteria to earn maximum credit and check your work for completeness.

All assignments should clearly connect to the assigned course readings.

Select and view a film or documentary that addresses ethical issues and perspectives. Research information on the film or documentary addressing ethical perspectiives presented.

The body of the paper is at least 350 words in length.

Paper discusses ethical perspectives presented in a film or

documentary.  The following prompts can be used to develop the main themes:

• Briefly describe the selected film or documentary and explain why

you chose it.

• Identify ethical issues affecting individuals.

• Analyze the role of leadership in influencing how ethical issues are


• Describe some of the ethical and unethical behaviors and


• How do institutional policies and practices foster or hinder ethical


• Does the film or documentary describe any solutions to the ethical

issues presented?

• Could you develop a different ending or conclusion to promote ethics

within organizational culture?


Be sure to include clear connections to the course readings, the film or

documentary selected, and additional research as supportive evidence.

All assignments should clearly connect to the assigned course readings.

Please review the attached Grading Form for criteria to earn maximum

credit and to check your work for completeness.


Submit your paper as an individual assignment by midnight of the class session to avoid loss of credit for late work.



ETH316 — Grading Form for Week Four Individual Assignment:  Ethical Perspectives


Due:  midnight                             /10


Resource:  Course readings; selected documentary or film, research


Content and Development Points Earned:      /9
  Additional Comments:
Ø  All key elements of the assignment are covered in a substantive way.

Ø  The body of the paper is at least 350 words in length.

Ø  Paper discusses ethical perspectives presented in a film or documentary.

Ø  The following prompts can be used to develop the main themes:

·         Briefly describe the selected film or documentary and explain why you chose it.

  • Identify ethical issues affecting individuals.
  • Analyze the role of leadership in influencing how ethical issues are addressed.
  • Describe some of the ethical and unethical behaviors and perspectives.
  • How do institutional policies and practices foster or hinder ethical perspectives?
  • Does the film or documentary describe any solutions to the ethical issues presented?
  • Could you develop a different ending or conclusion to promote ethics within organizational culture?
The content is comprehensive, accurate, and persuasive.
The paper develops a central theme or idea directed toward the appropriate audience.
Major points are stated clearly; are supported by specific details, examples, or analysis; includes direct connections to research and readings through the use of quotes and citations.
The introduction provides sufficient background on the topic and previews major points.
The conclusion is logical, flows from the body of the paper, and reviews the major points.
Readability and Style Points Earned     /.5
  Additional Comments:
Paragraph transitions are present, logical, and maintain the flow throughout the essay.  
The tone is appropriate to the content and assignment.
Sentences are complete, clear, and concise.
Combines facts with point of view.
Sentence transitions are present and maintain the flow of thought.
Mechanics Points Earned    /.5
  Additional Comments:
The paper—including double spacing, 12 point font, title page, in text citations and reference page—is consistent with Associate Level Writing Style Handbook formatting guidelines and meets course-level requirements.

Title page is complete with name, date, assignment, course and instructor listed.



Intellectual property is recognized with in-text citations and list of references.
Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed.
Spelling is correct.




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