Mitosis and Meiosis Presentation
You will be submitting two files: a word document script file of your presentation speaker notes with APA citations and references and the visual presentation file itself. The speaker notes are in both files.
Create a multimedia presentation of at least 7- to 10-slides with detailed speaker notes wherein you answer the following questions:
- What types of cells, somatic or gametes and organisms, procaryotes or eucaryotes undergo mitosis and meiosis and explain why.
- When do organisms use each process?
- Research a genetic disorder and briefly describe the disorder and how it occurs in humans.
- How does the process of meiosis contribute to the development of the disorder in offspring?
Examples of multimedia presentation tools include the following:
- Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentations
- Prezi™ presentations
- Slideshare presentations
- If you have another favorite presentation tool, please discuss with your faculty facilitator.
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