How should you handle the introduction, greeting, and handshaking?

Intercultural Communication Strategies@ Prof Xavier


400-600 words



Knowing details about the culture of a prospective international client before a meeting assures a successful intercultural communication encounter. A Chinese businessman whom you have never met is coming to the United States to visit you. You and your female boss invite him to lunch. You call the in-house “culture coach” and ask the following questions:

  • How should you handle the introduction, greeting, and handshaking?
  • How do you exchange business cards?
  • How do you explain your position and your boss’s position?
  • Where should you take him to lunch, and when?
  • Should you exchange gifts?
  • How will you begin business discussions?
  • What should not be brought up in business discussions?
  • Is there anything else you should prepare for?

How should the culture coach respond to these questions?

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