Please read the entire 32 pages and download the “Access” program in order to complete this project. You also need to do research for Glendale Community College transfer classes and information’s.

Please read the entire 32 pages and download the “Access” program in order to complete this project. You also need to do research for Glendale Community College transfer classes and information’s. The University that I’m picking it CSUN. Please use their information as well. Please look at the pictures which are located towards the end of the instructions…this is what it needs to look like. Please let me know if someone can do this project.
The writer can access the Glendale Community College website and get all the information for what you need in order to transfer to CSUN. This is the website to GCC
and this is the website for CSUN University or : . The writer can write about my major being Accounting or Business, either one.

Please read the entire 32 pages and download the “Access” program in order to complete this project. You also need to do research for Glendale Community College transfer classes and information’s. The University that I’m picking it CSUN. Please use their information as well. Please look at the pictures which are located towards the end of the instructions…this is what it needs to look like. Please let me know if someone can do this project. The writer can access the Glendale Community College website and get all the information for what you need in order to transfer to CSUN. This is the website to GCC and this is the website for CSUN University or : . The writer can write about my major being Accounting or Business, eitherone.

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