What have you learned from your previous experiences in making formal or informal presentations to others?

The essence of presentation is making yourself known, along with your ideas. There are at least two reasons to begin the planning of any presentation with a consideration of yourself. The first is that your knowledge of yourself and what you are thinking

The essence of presentation is making yourself known, along with your ideas. There are at least two reasons to begin the planning of any presentation with a consideration of yourself. The first is that your knowledge of yourself and what you are thinking about provides a solid foundation for elaborating on your ideas and your topics. The second is that your constant self-assessment means that you can define and communicate your own feelings and beliefs about a topic from a deeper level of metacognition, or self-knowledge, and can therefore think more critically and objectively about your topic.

Before building a presentation, consider the types of things that you have done and the types of things that are important to you. These things will be woven into every presentation you give, whether formal or informal, large or small, and regardless of the topic. Here, you will think about yourself as a primary topic and reflect upon your own academic and professional goals. This approach to preparation will influence the ways in which you present in the future.

Part A

In paragraph form, answer the following questions that may affect how you think about presentations, your topics, and your audience:

  • What is your “story”? How would you summarize your life’s experiences?
  • How have those experiences, overall, shaped you as a professional? How have they shaped you as a university student?
  • What have you learned from your previous experiences in making formal or informal presentations to others?

Part B

For this part of the assignment, you will be preparing or updating your resume. Upon reflection of your answers in Part A, rethink your resume, and update it as appropriate to incorporate your experiences and goals. In addition, review your resume format. If you already have a template for your resume that works, that’s great.

If you would like to refresh your resume presentation, clickhere for a sample template.

Please submit your assignment as a single Word document, with your Part-A responses preceding your resume from Part B.

Purpose of Assignment and Content Development Demonstrates an outstanding use of appropriate, relevant, and compelling content with excellent expression of topic, main idea, and purpose.

Demonstrates exemplary knowledge or analysis of human perspectives appropriate to the assignment’s purpose and context.

Where applicable, graphics accurately reflect the assignment requirements.

Organization, Grammar, and Presentation Organization is clear.

Language clearly and effectively communicates ideas and content relevant to the assignment.

Presentation and delivery are confident and persuasive (where applicable).

Audience, style, tone, and perspective are consistent and appropriate to the assignment.

Few, if any, errors in grammar, spelling, and sentence structure.

Information Literacy and Research Demonstrates outstanding selection and use of high-quality, credible, and relevant sources to develop ideas that are appropriate to the assignment.

Sources are consistently cited.

Critical Thinking Demonstrates outstanding or exemplary ability to analyze assumptions and evaluate evidence, complexities of issues, and alternatives.

Where required, demonstrates outstanding or exemplary ability to use creativity and originality in problem solving.


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