Memory Allocation and Deallocation
The objective of this is to simulate and evaluate different memory allocation/deallocation techniques (first fit, next fit, best fit, and worst fit)when a linked list is used to keep track of memory usage. You will implement a separate Memory component for TWO of the four memory allocation/deallocation techniques. Each technique should be in SEPERATE Project Files, 1 for each technique.
IF possible, I would like it to be able to run in eclipse, if not, just specify what you used to run it.
I have a skeleton that is to be used to complete this, will be attached.
I am looking for a someone who has experience in programming (Java, C++, Assembly Language and so on)
This is not a writing assignment, this is a programming assignment and I am looking for someone confident and who has experience behind this subject. ____________________________________________________________
Assume that the memory is 256 KB and is divided into units of 2 KB each. A process may request between 3 and 10 units of memory. Your simulation consists of three components: a Memory component that implements a specific allocation/deallocation technique, a request generation component that generates allocation/deallocation requests, and a statistics reporting component that prints out the relevant statistics. The Memory component exports the following functions:
int allocate_mem(int process_id, int num_units): allocates num_units units of memory to a process whose id is process_id. If successful, it returns the number of nodes traversed in the linked list. Otherwise, it returns -1. int deallocate_mem(int process_id): deal locates the memory allocated to the process whose ID is process_id. It returns 1, if successful, otherwise “1. int fragment_count( ): returns the number of holes (fragments of sizes 1 or 2 units).
The request generation component generates allocation and deal location requests. For allocation requests, the component specifies the process ID of the process for which memory is requested as well as the number of memory units being requested. For this simulation, assume that memory is requested for each process only once. For deal location requests, the component specifies the process ID of the process whose memory has to be deal located. For this simulation, assume that the entire memory allocated to a process is deal located on a deal location request. You may generate these requests based on some specific criteria, e.g., at random or from a memory allocation/deal location trace obtained from some source.
There are three performance parameters that your simulation should calculate for the chosen two techniques: average number of external fragments, average allocation time in terms of the average number of nodes traversed in allocation, and the percentage of times an allocation request is denied.
Generate 10,000 requests using the request generation component, and for each request, invoke the appropriate function of the Memory component for each of the memory allocation/deallocation techniques. After every request, update the three performance parameters for each of the techniques. The
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