Four of the most important variables employed in epidemiological research are age, gender, race and socioeconomic status. Discuss the relationship of age to each of the other three variables – gender, race and socioeconomic status in terms of the impl
Four of the most important variables employed in epidemiological research are age, gender, race and socioeconomic status. It has been found that each of these four variables represents important differences between people that correlate with health and life expectancy. (p. 40)
As instructed below, please discuss the relationship of age to each of the other three variables – gender, race and socioeconomic status ¬- in terms of the implications for health and life expectancy of the elderly. (25 points) (A 1½-page response is required for the combination of Parts A, B, and C.)
Part A | Consider the relationship between age and gender. List and describe at least two (2) demographic trends and health characteristics of the elderly based on gender differences. What are the implications for the future of health care for the elderly based on gender? (8 points) | |
Part B | Consider the relationship between age and race. List and describe at least two (2) of the demographic trends and health characteristics of the elderly based on racial differences. What are the implications for the future health care for the elderly in this group? (8 points) | |
Part C | Consider the relationship between age and socioeconomic status. List and describe at least two (2) demographic trends and health characteristics of the elderly based on social class and affluence. What are the future implications for the health care of the elderly based on socioeconomic status? (9 points) |
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