What are the key elements of the design that are distinctive based on plan, elevation, axon and perspective drawings and diagrams?

PART I: Description—Multi-paragraph format (DUE 2/2): answers for the questions have to be about ” Church of the Transfiguration, Kishi, 1714″ What are…

 PART I: Description—Multi-paragraph format (DUE 2/2):

answers for the questions have to be about ” Church of the Transfiguration, Kishi, 1714″

  • What are the key elements of the design that are distinctive based on plan, elevation, axon and perspective drawings and diagrams?
  • What are the different specific materials that the building uses? What challenges and opportunities do those materials present to construction?
  • What are the structural systems that the building uses? What challenges and opportunities will there be in replicating the structure?
  • What are the challenges and opportunities offered by the site?
  • The answers to these questions require research in reliable scholarly sources on architectural history.

Each bullet point should have a separate paragraph (5-7 sentences). Include with your answers with a bibliography (an A requires you to format it correctly in one style). FORMAT REMINDERS: Include your name and the building project name, date and place. Double space. Submit in WORD o

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