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- Week 3 Video Lecture – Multisim Single Frequency Analysis
- Consider the circuit below:For the circuit above, determine the following (express all answers in phasor form):
- XC
- Zeq
- IT
- R1
- IC1
- Construct the circuit with MultiSIM using a 5% tolerance for the resistor and the capacitor. Adjust the frequency according to the table below and obtain measurements from MultiSIM using AC Analysis and express in polar form.
Frequency IT IR1 IC1 100 Hz 500 Hz 1000 Hz 1500 Hz 10000 Hz 20000 Hz - Discuss the following:
- Describe the relationship between the frequency and IT.
- What effect does frequency have on Zeq?
- How could the circuit be modified to bring the phase angle closer to 0○?
- How could the circuit be modified to bring the phase angle closer to -90○?
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