What particular elements of each organization’s culture, processes, and management systems and styles work well to support innovation?

paper on 3 innnovative companies( facebook, google, apple inc)

For this assignment, you will research the innovation architecture of at least three companies that are well-known for successfully supporting a culture of innovation. Write a 1,500-word paper that addresses the following:

  1. What particular elements of each organization’s culture, processes, and management systems and styles work well to support innovation?
  2. Why do you think these organizations have been able to capitalize on innovation and intrapreneurship while others have not?
  3. Based on what you have learned, what processes and systems might actually stifle innovation and intrapreneurship?
  4. Imagine yourself as an innovation architect. What structures or processes would you put in place to foster a culture of innovation within your own organization?

Include in-text citations to at least four reputable secondary sources (such as trade journals, academic journals, and professional or industry websites) in your paper.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

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