What role does the criminal justice system play in protecting abuse toward partners?

Have examined abuse directed at children; however, other victimized individuals from specific…


Many defenseless members of society are abused. We have examined abuse directed at children; however, other victimized individuals from specific populations are mistreated.

Refer to this week’s videos and readings.

Write a 1,200- to 1,450-word paper discussing the following:

  • What issues are associated with intimate partner abuse? How have these issues changed in recent times?
  • What role does the criminal justice system play in protecting abuse toward partners?
  • Why do you believe elder abuse exists? Explain the extent of abuse, types, and theories associated with elder abuse.
  • Describe types of victimization special populations experience in society.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

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