What steps can you take to ensure that you continue to use critical thinking in the future?

ritical Thinking Reflection

Select one of the following questions and answer it in 75 to 100 words using the principles of critical thinking you learned in this course:

  • How can we reduce poverty in the United States?
  • Will receiving a college degree improve your career opportunities?
  • Has the United States peaked as a world power?

Reflect in 75 to 100 words on the process of critical thinking you used in forming your response. Include the following in your reflection:

  • How does the process of critical thinking you used relate to or differ from the process you used to find content for your answer?
  • How can you use critical thinking in other areas?
  • What steps can you take to ensure that you continue to use critical thinking in the future?

Submit your assignment to the Assignment Files tab.

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